
Speaking of perverse - Exxon reported a 35% profit 'surge.' Something is rotten when the notion of raiding the Alaskan wildlife Reserve is entertained seriously and the world's richest company is making even more money from the sale of oil.


Possibly good news for Chicago: according to the BBC the city of Chicago will implement a $9.25 minimum wage. Of course, WAl-Mart argues that the rise will have a detrimental effect on inner-city neighborhoods in need of development. They obviously know their stuff. The cornerstone 'of this great country' ® is a strong work ethic, even if it means you'd be better off not working. Aside from grossly racist cops, the most perverse thing in Iowa City is that there is almost no option but to shop at wal-mart. If only "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" weren't such a horrendous waste of time, I'd be fun to distibute copies to Wal-Mart employees.


Please visit: http://meastpolitics.wordpress.com/ for blog reportage from a Lebanese anarchist.
lebanon 4 ever
This from http://www.marwaheen.blogspot.com/. The title there:

Israel pinpoint attacks : The Proof that Israel is targeting Hezbollah terrorists

While I do not condone the nationalist sentiment of the blog, these are images that should be seen, especially by British and American taxpayers. This is how your tax money is spent. Would you risk your credit rating to put an end to this?